Monday, August 17, 2009

The trip over to Bangkok and arrival

My mom...what a trooper, that woman can do anything. She is terrified of flying, but was a cool cucumber the entire way without taking meds or drinking vino. We flew from Pensacola to Atlanta (45 minutes), Atlanta to Tokyo (13.5 hours-a swat team of health officials inspected the entire plane to make sure we didn't have Swine Flu), and Tokyo to Bangkok (7.5 hours) and arrived in Bangkok around midnight.
Yay we are there! Right??
As soon as we got off the plane, we were informed that our luggage was lost... possibly gone. After hours & hours of no sleep, multiple feedings that consisted of things like rubbery/wet ham sandwiches...I started to cry. After circling the luggage carousels like a crazy lady, numerous times, I slowly exited the airport feeling defeated. The man at the airport told us that our luggage would arrive possibly that night. But it didn't.
And it did not arrive the next night... or the next.
So what did we do? We headed to to DKNY.
I needed to find something to wear to my meeting - and surely I couldn't wear my plane "uniform." My mom and I were starting to feel a bit gross.
We found some professional gear at DKNY (that we didn't really want), but were forced to buy due to our circumstances. The night before my first meeting I was so nervous that I couldn't really sleep.
Sure enough our luggage arrived that night!! Yay! I had contacts instead of my colorful/tacky glasses for the meeting!

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